IoT Venture GmbH

Backend Developer | 12/2023 – present
Darmstadt, Germany

  • Concept ownership of an integration project with one of our biggest customers
  • Developing and conceptualizing new features, refactoring the legacy app, code reviews, Full-Stack, APIs
  • Stack: Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Hotwire, Stimulus, ES6 Javascript, Haml, SCSS, SASS, Elastic Cloud, Heroku, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Sidekiq, Redis, REST APIs, Bootstrap
  • Initiator of the Backend Book Club
  • Holding internal technical talks
  • Part of the Corporate Influencer team
  • First aider and fire protection and evacuation assistant

IoT Venture takes your business models to the next level with GPS tracking made by us. The missing link that connects everything from hardware to app to data intelligence – all from a single source.

portagon GmbH

Software/Web Engineer | 05/2020 – 11/2023
Frankfurt, Germany

  • Developing and conceptualizing new features, improving legacy software, code reviews, Full-Stack, APIs, Dev Ops
  • Stack: Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Hotwire, Stimulus, ES6 Javascript, Haml, SCSS, Heroku, AWS, PostgreSQL, Sidekiq, Redis, REST APIs, Bootstrap
  • Lead developer requirements engineering for new products/features and integrations
  • Stakeholder management
  • Taking part in job interviews
  • Created department onboarding concept
  • Onboarding mentor & mentoring junior staff
  • Introducing & leading knowledge transfer and business-wide feature reviews
  • Facilitating team retrospectives
  • Holding internal technical talks & feature presentations
  • Part of motivation team (GOATs)
  • First aider and fire protection and evacuation assistant

portagon enables efficient access to the private capital market through an innovative technology that supports all types of investment transactions, complemented by a strong network of issuers, intermediaries, and investors.

Our innovative white-label software solution allows for secure and scalable processing, even for a large number of individual investments. Completely paperless and automated.

eFairSorger GbR

CTO & Co-Owner | 02/2014 – present
Karlsruhe, Germany

  • Business model development, organization, marketing & acquisition, process development
  • development responsible: completely re-coded the internal online portal

As a face-to-face consultancy based in Karlsruhe, Germany, for changing gas and electricity tarifs, we help private people to save money. Year after year, with a personal touch.

As co-founder and executive partner of this young and dynamic company I established the firm on the market and developed the concept further.

As CTO, I have the duty to make the company lean on the tech side. This means, decrease functionality to what is really needed and minimize administrative effort with smart tech solutions.

EquilTec GmbH

CFO | 08/2018 – 10/2019
Ulm, Germany

  • Business model & strategy development, organization, financial model creation, budgeting, investor pitching, acquisition of pilot customers.

A medtech company based in Ulm, Germany, to fight shoulder and neck pain. To do so, we were developing an AI high-tech sensor which detects un-physiological posture.

We iterated towards an optimal business model. As CFO on project basis, my responsibilities were budgeting, financial forecasts / monitoring and financing.

My further tasks were: Building the business model, strategy and organization, pitching to investors and customer acquisition (B2B). In the end, I could attract a 200K financing.

Neckar Hub GmbH

COO & Entrepreneur | 06/2018 – 12/2018
Tuebingen, Germany

  • Business model and strategy development, community, leader operations, event management, induction into security token offerings

Besides a coworking space, the new innovation center in Tübingen connects startups with companies to form the great ideas into sustainable and scalable ventures.

As COO and entrepreneur I had the responsibility of managing and building up the community within the coworking space and around as well as creating internal processes. Further, I was organizing events and doing marketing.