interest_days gem

Open Source Project

This gem provides the interest day factor calculation based on ISDA conventions.



AirLoan is a peer to peer money lending platform for connected users who wish to borrow small amounts of money for a short period. It is hassle-less and has unbeatable interest costs.

The website includes a reservation dashboard as well as a map search.



Shuffle is a mobile first web app for young and versatile job-hunters who wish to connect with companies in a matter of minutes. All without the need of a CV.

This app was built with tinder-like UX and a complex matching algorithm.

Cocktail ‘n’ Mix


Cocktail ‘n’ Mix is a hobby web app to create, save and find your favorite cocktail.

The application includes a photo uploader, a dashboard for own created cocktails as well as a favoriting mechanism.

eFairSorger Homepage

eFairSorger Homepage

eFairSorger is my first startup, founded in 2014. Now, I redid the customer homepage myself.

The homepage is written in plain html, css and javascript without the need of a framework.

Couch Hero #HackTheCrisis

Couch Hero

Taking part in #HackTheCrisisDK, we developed a prototype of a helper AI to answer questions about the corona virus. You can chat with it and even call.

Just consider, that this was developed in only 48 hours with a team that did not know each other prior the the hackathon. Still, I think we could show a nice idea.

My part in it was mainly developing the API to Google’s Dialogflow AI so we could offer dynamic answers depending on the user’s question. And of course some ideation and market strategy.

eFairSorger Payroll Panel

In this project I developed an online app for internal use. It automates the payroll for our consultants at my first startup.

I am using ruby on rails as a framework. It involves the roo gem to upload and read excel files, the wicked_pdf gem to be able to create very dynamically pdf files to download and I needed to build quite a heavy back-end logic.

Further, an API (microservices style) needed to be developed on both sides which led me also to dive into php.